The New Answer DVD 3
Format: DVD
Ages: 12 & up
We live in a culture with more questions than ever—questions that affect one’s acceptance of the Bible as authoritative and trustworthy. This DVD features 18 easy-to-understand answers from among the 35 questions posed and answered in the book version. These are some of the most-important apologetics quandaries of today. You’ll love these stylized mini-interviews, featuring authors from the hot-selling book. This DVD contains answers to the 18 following questions. Each summary answer is about 4-minutes in length.
- Where Was the Garden of Eden Located? (Ham)
- Did Bible Authors Believe in a Literal Genesis? (Mortenson)
- Was There Death Before Adam Sinned? (Ham)
- What about Cloning and Stem Cells (Tommy Mitchell)
- Does Evolution Have a . . . Chance? (Riddle)
- Did Life Come from Outer Space (Purdom)
- Vestigal Organs—Evidence for Evolution? (Menton)
- What is the Best Argument for the Existence of God? (Lisle)
- What Are Some Flood Evidences? (Snelling)
- Unicorns in the Bible? (Elizabeth Mitchell)
- Doesn't the Bible Support Slavery? (Hodge)
- How Can Someone Start a New Life in Christ? (Eggert)
- Should Christians Be Pushing to Have Creation Taught in Government Schools? (Patterson)
- Was the Flood of Noah Global or Local in Extent? (Snelling)
- How Old Does the Earth Look? (Snelling)
- When and How Did the Grand Canyon Form? (Snelling)
- What Are Some Good Questions to Ask an Evolutionist? (Lisle)
- Isn't the God of the Old Testament Harsh, Brutal, and Downright Evil? (Hodge)